Database ⛁
Edit the db.*
settings in your /.env
# My Application
# Environment
# DB
2.1. Create DB Config
In your main module's config environment folder edit your DB Config. (@see /2.x/configuration#Modules-environment-config-file)
The main config file resides in _db.php
Overwrite the settings from _db.php
in your concrete environment config file e.g. develop.php
(depends on what your MVC_ENV
is set to.)
For example you might want to turn on Logging for develop environment:
Db Config example for develop
// DB
// watch database log; e.g.: cd /tmp; tail -f Foo*.log
require realpath(__DIR__) . '/_db.php';
// consider a logrotate mechanism for this logfile as it may grow quickly
$aConfig['MODULE']['Foo']['DB']['logging']['general_log'] = 'ON'; // consider to set it to ON for develop or test environments only
example: file _db.php
- (modules/Foo/etc/config/Foo/config/_db.php
// Module DB
$aConfig['MODULE']['Foo']['DB'] = array(
'db' => array(
'type' => getenv('db.type'),
'host' => getenv(''),
'port' => getenv('db.port'),
'username' => getenv('db.username'),
'password' => getenv('db.password'),
'dbname' => getenv('db.dbname'),
'charset' => 'utf8',
'caching' => array(
'enabled' => true,
'lifetime' => '1', # minutes
'logging' => array(
'log_output' => 'FILE',
// consider to turn it on for develop and test environments only
'general_log' => 'OFF',
// 1) make sure write access is given to the folder
// as long as the db user is going to write and not the webserver user
// 2) consider a logrotate mechanism for this logfile as it may grow quickly
'general_log_file' => $aConfig['MVC_LOG_FILE_DB_DIR'] . getenv('db.dbname') . '_' . getenv('MVC_ENV') . '.log',
2.2. Table Class
creates DB Table Bar
in the given module Foo
php emvicy db:table Bar Foo
- creates the Table
- creates the Trait
- 🛈 The Table fields
are always added automatically
use this command to access the table directly:
The created DB Table class file: modules/Foo/Model/DB/Table/Bar.php
namespace Foo\Model\DB\Table;
use MVC\DB\Model\Db;
use MVC\DataType\DTDBWhere;
use MVC\DataType\DTDBOption;
use MVC\DataType\DTDBWhereRelation;
use MVC\DB\Trait\TraitDbInit;
class Bar extends Db
use TraitDbInit;
* @var array
protected $aField = array(
'uuid' => "varchar(36) NOT NULL DEFAULT uuid() COMMENT 'uuid'",
"name" => "varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'Name'",
"description" => "text NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'Description'",
* @param array $aDbConfig
* @throws \ReflectionException
public function __construct(array $aDbConfig = array())
adding a Foreign Key
file: modules/Foo/Model/Table/Bar.php
* @param array $aDbConfig
* @throws \ReflectionException
public function __construct(array $aDbConfig = array())
- The foreign key
-pointing to tableAppTableGroup
- is added by methodset_sForeignKey()
2.3. Table Collection
Combining table classes in a table collection class.
create DB table collection class
creates DB table collection class DBAccount
in the given module Foo
under /Foo/Model/DB/Collection/
php emvicy db:tableCollection Account Foo
- the prefix
is added to the class name if missing - in this example
will becomeDBAccount
created DB table collection class /Foo/Model/DB/Collection/DBAccount.php
* - add your db table classes as public properties
* - add a doctype to each property, containing the var type information about the certain class
* @example
* @var Foo\Model\Table\Example
* public $oFooModelTableExample;
* ---
* [!] it is important to declare the var type expanded with a full path
* avoid to make use of `use ...` support
* otherwise the classes could not be read correctly
namespace Foo\Model\DB\Collection;
use MVC\DB\Model\DbCollection;
use MVC\DB\Trait\TraitDbInit;
class DBAccount extends DbInit
use TraitDbInit;
# tables
implement any Table Class
implement any Table Class into your DB collection class by adding its corresponding Trait.
Example: modules/Foo/Model/DBAccount.php
namespace Foo\Model;
use MVC\DB\Model\DbCollection;
use MVC\DB\Trait\TraitDbInit;
* DB
class DBAccount extends DbInit
use TraitDbInit;
# tables
use TraitBar;
Access Db table collection
access DB table collection class and its tables via use
2.4. Let generate an openapi yaml schema file for data type classes
This builds an openapi.yaml DTTables.yaml
in the primary module's DataType folder based
on data type classes of the DB tables.
if not already exists, create a file db.php
in the event folder of your Emvicy module and declare the bindings as follows.
example: /modules/Foo/etc/event/db.php
'mvc.db.model.db.construct.saveCache' => [
* let create an openapi yaml file according to DB Table DataType Classes when the DataBase Tables setup changes
function() {
// one-timer
if (false === \MVC\Registry::isRegistered('DB::openapi'))
\MVC\Registry::set('DB::openapi', true);
// generate /modules/{MODULE}/DataType/DTTables.yaml
$sYamlFile = \MVC\DB\Model\Openapi::createDTYamlOnDTClasses(
// pass instance of your concrete DB Class
3. Usage
access your table classes and table collection classes from everywhere - even from frontend templates:
Example: access a table class directly
Example: access a table class via table collection
3.1. create
therefore an object of its related Datatype must be instanciated and given to the method create
Here e.g. with Datatype "DTAppTableUser" to TableClass "modules/Foo/Model/Table/User":
example create
: put data into table
// create DataType object
$oDTAppTableUser = \App\DataType\DTAppTableUser::create()
// put DataType object into Table and get updated object back
/** @var \App\DataType\DTAppTableUser $oDTAppTableUser */
$oDTAppTableUser = DB::use()->oAppTableUser->create(
// on success, `$oDTAppTableUser` now has an id (auto increment of database table) set
// on fail, id = 0
$iId = $oDTAppTableUser->get_id();
3.2. retrieve
: returns tupel object or field of tupel by id
example getOnId
: get Object from table where id=2
/** @var \App\DataType\DTAppTableUser $oDTAppTableUser */
$oDTAppTableUser = DB::use()->oAppTableUser->getOnId(1)
example getOnId
: get email
from table where id=2
/** @var string $sEmail */
$sEmail = DB::use()->oAppTableUser->getOnId(2, DTAppTableUser::getPropertyName_email()); # using name helper
/** @var string $sEmail */
$sEmail = DB::use()->oAppTableUser->getOnId(2, 'email'); # plain text
asks for a specific Tupel and returns the DataType Object according to the requested Table.
example retrieveTupel
: get Object from table where id=2
/** @var \App\DataType\DTAppTableUser $oDTAppTableUser */
$oDTAppTableUser = DB::use()->oAppTableUser->retrieveTupel(
returns an array of DataType Objects according to the requested Table.
example retrieve
: get all Datasets
/** @var \App\DataType\DTAppTableUser[] $aDTAppTableUser */
$aDTAppTableUser = DB::use()->oAppTableUser->retrieve();
example retrieve
: get specific Datasets
/** @var \App\DataType\DTAppTableUser[] $aDTAppTableUser */
$aDTAppTableUser = DB::use()->oAppTableUser->retrieve(
[ // where using name helper
DTDBWhere::create()->set_sKey( DTAppTableUser::getPropertyName_email() )->set_sRelation('LIKE')->set_sValue('%example%')
/** @var \App\DataType\DTAppTableUser[] $aDTAppTableUser */
$aDTAppTableUser = DB::use()->oAppTableUser->retrieve(
[ // where
example retrieve
: get Datasets with options
/** @var \App\DataType\DTAppTableUser[] $aDTAppTableUser */
$aDTAppTableUser = DB::use()->oAppTableUser->retrieve(
[ // where
DTDBWhere::create()->set_sKey( DTAppTableUser::getPropertyName_email() )->set_sRelation('LIKE')->set_sValue('%example%')
[ // option
DTDBOption::create()->set_sValue('ORDER BY `email` ASC'),
DTDBOption::create()->set_sValue('LIMIT 0,10'),
example retrieve
: get first 30 Datasets (LIMIT 0,30)
/** @var \App\DataType\DTAppTableUser[] $aDTAppTableUser */
$aDTAppTableUser = DB::use()->oAppTableUser->retrieve(aDTDBOption: [
DTDBOption::create()->set_sValue('LIMIT 0, 30')
- here the named Parameter
is used to address the right parameter correctly
3.3. update
example updateTupel
: update Object in table where id=2
// retrieve User object with id=2
/** @var \App\DataType\DTAppTableUser $oDTAppTableUser */
$oDTAppTableUser = DB::use()->oAppTableUser->getOnId(2);
// modify User object
// update tupel with modified object
$bSuccess = DB::use()->oAppTableUser->updateTupel(
example update
: update all Tupel with data defined in set (array) which are affected by the where clause (array)
/** @var boolean $bSuccess */
$bSuccess = DB::use()->oAppTableUser->update(
[ // set
DTDBSet::create()->set_sKey( DTAppTableUser::getPropertyName_active() )->set_sValue(0),
DTDBSet::create()->set_sKey( DTAppTableUser::getPropertyName_email() )->set_sValue('')
[ // where
DTDBWhere::create()->set_sKey( DTAppTableUser::getPropertyName_email() )->set_sRelation('LIKE')->set_sValue('')
update via SQL Statement
DB::use()->oDbPDO->query("UPDATE `AppTableUser` SET `active` = '0' WHERE `email` = ''");
- see also: Database Events, and Database - 3.8. SQL
3.4. delete
: delete this one specific Tupel - identified only by id
(id is required; other values do not have an effect)
// delete User object (you retrieved before)
$bSuccess = DB::use()->oAppTableUser->deleteTupel(
// example deleting by setting object explicitly
$bSuccess = DB::use()->oAppTableUser->deleteTupel(
: delete all Tupel which are affected by the where clause (array)
// example setting key and value directly
$bSuccess = DB::use()->oAppTableUser->delete([ // array of where clauses
// example setting the key using Property getter
$bSuccess = DB::use()->oAppTableUser->delete([ // array of where clauses
// example setting the key using Property getter; take values from User object (you retrieved before)
$bSuccess = DB::use()->oAppTableUser->delete([ // array of where clauses
3.5. count
// Amount of all Datasets
$iAmount = DB::use()->oAppTableUser->count();
// Amount of specific Datasets
$iAmount = DB::use()->oAppTableUser->count([
DTDBWhere::create()->set_sKey( DTAppTableUser::getPropertyName_email() )->set_sRelation('LIKE')->set_sValue('')
3.6. checksum
// Returns a checksum of the table
$iChecksum = DB::use()->oAppTableUser->checksum();
// type: integer
3.7. getFieldInfo
returns array with table fields info
get info of certain field email
// get info of certain field `email`
$aFieldInfo = DB::use()->oAppTableUser->getFieldInfo('email');
example return
// type: array, items: 12
'Field' => 'email',
'Type' => 'varchar(255)',
'Collation' => 'utf8_general_ci',
'Null' => 'NO',
'Key' => 'UNI',
'Default' => NULL,
'Extra' => '',
'Privileges' => 'select,insert,update,references',
'Comment' => '',
'_php' => 'string',
'_type' => 'varchar',
'_typeValue' => 255,
get info of all fields
// get info of all fields
$aFieldInfo = DB::use()->oAppTableUser->getFieldInfo();
example return (shortened)
// type: array, items: 9
'id_TableGroup' => [
'Field' => 'id_TableGroup',
'Type' => 'int(11)',
'Collation' => NULL,
'Null' => 'YES',
'Key' => 'MUL',
'Default' => NULL,
'Extra' => '',
'Privileges' => 'select,insert,update,references',
'Comment' => '',
'_php' => 'int',
'_type' => 'int',
'_typeValue' => 11,
'email' => [
'Field' => 'email',
'Type' => 'varchar(255)',
'Collation' => 'utf8_general_ci',
'Null' => 'NO',
'Key' => 'UNI',
'Default' => NULL,
'Extra' => '',
'Privileges' => 'select,insert,update,references',
'Comment' => '',
'_php' => 'string',
'_type' => 'varchar',
'_typeValue' => 255,
3.8. PDO
using a table collection class
otherwise this always works; get PDO object from Framework's Db class
3.9. SQL
select a single tupel (a row)
/** @var \App\DataType\DTAppTableUser $oDTAppTableUser */
$oDTAppTableUser = DTAppTableUser::create(
DB::use()->oDbPDO->fetchRow("SELECT * FROM `AppTableUser` WHERE id = '2'")
- here we select the entry which id = 2
- we put in into the table's Datatype object of type
returns the result as regular array
DB::use()->oDbPDO->fetchAll("SELECT * FROM `AppTableUser`")
returns the result as an array of DataType objects
DB::use()->oAppTableUser->fetchAll("SELECT * FROM `AppTableUser`", true)
- the result gets mapped into the table's Datatype object
- so here we get an array of type
DB::use()->oDbPDO->query("INSERT INTO `AppTableUser`
VALUES ('2023-12-01 18:53:33',
'2023-12-01 18:53:33',
'" . password_hash('...password...', PASSWORD_DEFAULT) . "',
DB::use()->oDbPDO->query("UPDATE `AppTableUser` SET `active` = '0' WHERE `email` = ''");
3.10. Comment
read comment from a DB Table Field
from Table AppTableUser
, read the comment of field nickname
// type: string
read any DocComment from Db table collection class
from Table oAppTableUser
, read the value of DocComment @var
DB::use()->getDocCommentValueOfProperty('oAppTableUser', '@var')
// type: string
4. Events
see Database Events
4.1. Logging SQL
logging at application side
Consider to set to true
for develop environments only: logging request into MVC_LOG_FILE_SQL
enable sql logging in your config file
$aConfig['MVC_LOG_SQL'] = true;
if it not already exists, create a file db.php
in the event folder of your module
and declare the bindings as follows.
Emvicy logs each action into the logfile specified in the var MVC_LOG_FILE_SQL
; which is per default: application/log/sql.log
'mvc.db.model.*.sql' => array(
* log *all* SQL Statements, if enabled via config
function(string $sSql) {
if (true === \MVC\Config::get_MVC_LOG_SQL())
logging at database engine side
if you set general_log
to ON
iny your DB Config, the database logs each action into the logfile
specified in the var MVC_LOG_FILE_DB_DIR
$aConfig['MVC_LOG_FILE_DB_DIR'] = '/tmp/';
- make sure write access is given to the folder as long as the db user is going to write and not the webserver user
- consider a logrotate mechanism for this logfile as it may grow quickly