Call up routes recurrently after a certain period of time. For complete automatization you need these 3 things:
Config yaml file
in your Module's environment config folder (/modules/{moduleName}/etc/config/{moduleName}/config/
) create the yaml file _routeintervall.yaml
In this file you name your existing routes you want to be called periodically, following by intervall seconds for each route.
config file _routeintervall.yaml
# route # intervall in seconds
"/robot/autokick": 30
"/robot/sendMail": 300
So in this example you want
- route
to be called every 30 seconds - route
to be called every 300 seconds
Init Route
you need to create an init route (see Creating a Route) - you might want to call it /routeIntervall/
init route
\MVC\Route::get('/routeIntervall/', '\Foo\Controller\Index::routeIntervall');
...and the corresponding controller \Foo\Controller\Index::routeIntervall
which let RouteIntervall
start its service.
public function routeIntervall()
// start Route Intervall
// name the yaml config file
Config::get_MVC_MODULE_PRIMARY_STAGING_CONFIG_DIR() . '/_routeintervall.yaml'
Once you have reached this point, you are already able to make a call.
cd into the /public
folder and start the init route.
php index.php '/routeIntervall/'
Cron Job
Since RouteIntervall
is being locked (see Lock), you can safely call the Init Route each minute via cron - there
will only be one process of it running.
cronjob for RouteInternvall
# route intervall; start in background
* * * * * cd /var/www/Emvicy/public; /usr/bin/php index.php '/intervall/' > /dev/null 2>/dev/null & echo $!
Logging RouteIntervall Actions
create the file routeintervall.php
in your event folder (see Registering Event Listeners)
copy the following code into that file.
All Listeners are logging into \MVC\Config::get_MVC_LOG_FILE_ROUTEINTERVALL()
which is by default $aConfig['MVC_LOG_FILE_ROUTEINTERVALL'] = $aConfig['MVC_LOG_FILE_DIR'] . 'route_intervall.log';
Event Listener on RouteIntervall Actions
# List of Emvicy Standard Events
# @see
// route intervall starts
'' => [
function(string $sCronYamlFile) {
'route intervall has started (config file: `' . $sCronYamlFile . '`',
// route intervall ...
'mvc.routeintervall.intervall.after' => [
function(\MVC\DataType\DTCronTask $oDTCronTask) {
$oDTCronTask->get_iPid() . "\t" . $oDTCronTask->get_sRoute() . "\t" . $oDTCronTask->get_iIntervall(),
// route intervall ends
'mvc.routeintervall.intervall.end' => [
function(string $sCronYamlFile) {
'route intervall has ended (config file: `' . $sCronYamlFile . '`',
* @warning Be careful if listening to this; it would mean a huge amount of continuous data flow
* strictly recommended for development environment only
// 'mvc.routeintervall.intervall.before' => [
// function(\MVC\DataType\DTCronTask $oDTCronTask) {
// \MVC\Log::write($oDTCronTask->getPropertyJson(), \MVC\Config::get_MVC_LOG_FILE_ROUTEINTERVALL());
// },
// ],
* @warning Be careful if listening to this; it would mean a huge amount of continuous data flow
* strictly recommended for development environment only
// 'mvc.routeintervall.intervall.skip' => [
// function(\MVC\DataType\DTCronTask $oDTCronTask) {
// \MVC\Log::write('Skip - ' . $oDTCronTask->getPropertyJson(), \MVC\Config::get_MVC_LOG_FILE_ROUTEINTERVALL());
// },
// ],
pid File
Once RouteIntervall
is running, there will be a dot-file created in your Emvicy Base Path (this is where also emvicy
resides, see directory-structure#root).
Its name is .mvc-routeintervall-run.
+ {process id}
so you could grep in your process list for that pid as long as RouteIntervall
is running.
admin1@erazer:~/var/www/Emvicy$ ps u | grep 18787
admin1 18787 99.6 0.1 132584 30512 pts/3 R+ 09:39 1:20 php index.php /routeIntervall/
stop running the RouteIntervall
you can stop running the RouteIntervall
process by simply removing the pidfile.
cd into Emvicy Base Path (this is where also emvicy
resides, see directory-structure#root) and remove the pidfile.
cd /var/www/Emvicy; \
rm .mvc-routeintervall-run.18787;