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Status: 2025-02-13


Creation of a worker class

creates the Worker class Bar in the given module Foo

php emvicy worker:create Bar Foo 
  • creates the class modules/Foo/Model/Worker/Bar.php



namespace Foo\Model\Worker;

use App\DataType\DTAppTableQueue;
use MVC\Log;
use MVC\WorkerTrait;

class Bar implements \MVC\MVCInterface\InterfaceWorker
    use WorkerTrait;

     * @param \App\DataType\DTAppTableQueue|null $oDTAppTableQueue
     * @return void
     * @throws \ReflectionException
    public static function work(?DTAppTableQueue $oDTAppTableQueue = null) : void
        Log::write($oDTAppTableQueue, 'queue.log');
  • the static method work is the one which gets called; so here in this method you write your worker logic.
  • the Argument $oDTAppTableQueue (see DTAppTableQueue) contains the Job from the Queue.

Registering a working class for a queue job

The queue / worker config resides in the _queue.php config file in your module's Module's config folder

Here you define which worker is responsible for which queue job keys.

Example modules/Foo/etc/config/Foo/config/_queue.php


 * queue key
 * - Do not use special characters, spaces
 * - Underscore `_`, full stop `.` and colon `:` are ok
 * worker class
 * - absolute address for the method (as for routing; see /etc/routing/*.php files)
$aConfig['MODULE']['Foo']['queue']['worker'] = [

    // queue job key
    //                                 responsible worker class
    'Bar::do'                        => '\Foo\Model\Worker\Bar',

  • Now the Worker class \Foo\Model\Worker\Bar is responsible for Queue Jobs having the key Bar::do

Auto-Routes for Worker

Let's have a look at the routing file etc/routing/service.php in your module's routing folder.



# queue / worker

// automatically builds callable, unique `\MVC\Route` routes for each queue job key

// adds a route for calling worker getting queue jobs done
//              '/~/queue/worker/run'             '\App\Controller\Queue::run'
\MVC\Route::GET(\MVC\Config::get_MVC_QUEUE_RUN(), \MVC\Config::get_MVC_QUEUE_RUN_CLASSMETHOD());

# cron

// adds a route for calling cron jobs
//              '/~/cron/run'                     '\App\Controller\Cron::run'
\MVC\Route::GET(\MVC\Config::get_MVC_CRON_ROUTE(), \MVC\Config::get_MVC_CRON_RUN_CLASSMETHOD());

method \MVC\Worker::workerAutoRoute()

this method automatically builds callable, unique \MVC\Route routes for each queue job key, which are defined in config - see previous section Registering a working class for a queue job.
e.g.: the \MVC\Route Route /~/queue/worker/Bar::do/* is created for queue key Bar::do; so each queue key could be called with its own route.
The route Syntax is: /~/queue/worker/{QUEUE KEY}/*. Each created route points to \App\Controller\Queue::workerAutoRouteResolve

Example output of php emvicy routes:list

No Method Methods assigned Route Target Tag
14 GET GET /~/queue/worker/Bar::do/* \App\Controller\Queue::workerAutoRouteResolve get-queue-worker-dummy-do

special routes

there are two other routes defined

  • /~/queue/worker/run: adds a route for calling worker getting queue jobs done
  • /~/cron/run: adds a route for calling cron jobs

Worker run

runs (processes) the queue by calling the responsible workers according to configuration - see previous section Registering a working class for a queue job.

🛈 all ways shown here are non-blocking.

call via cron job

  • make sure the variable $aConfig['MVC_QUEUE_RUN'] is added to the cron config. This variable contains the queue worker route (see Queue-Config).
  • see Section Cron for more Info

Explicit call by route

cd public; \
php index.php /~/queue/worker/run
  • If Queue config not changed, the route to call is /~/queue/worker/run.
  • This route is saved to the variable $aConfig['MVC_QUEUE_RUN'] (see Queue-Config).

Explicit call by emvicy cli tool

php emvicy worker:run