a module for Emvicy2 (2.x) PHP Framework: https://github.com/emvicy/Emvicy/tree/2.x
Emails to be sent are processed via Queue.
Data type classes are available for composing emails and attachments, which simplify the declaration.
cd into the modules folder of your Emvicy
copy; e.g.:
cd /var/www/html/modules/;
clone Email
git clone --branch 2.x https://github.com/emvicy/Email.git Email;
add this config to the config of your primary working module.
// Module Email
$aConfig['MODULE']['Email'] = array(
// callback function
'oCallback' => function($oEmail) {
// send e-mail via SMTP
return \Email\Model\Smtp::sendViaPhpMailer($oEmail);
'sSenderEmailAddress' => getenv('email.sSenderEmailAddress'),
* SMTP account settings
* get from .env file
'sHost' => getenv('email.sHost'),
'iPort' => getenv('email.iPort'), # ssl=465 | tls=587
'sSecure' => getenv('email.sSecure'), # ssl | tls
'bAuth' => getenv('email.bAuth'),
'sUsername' => getenv('email.sUsername'),
'sPassword' => getenv('email.sPassword'),
somewhere in your Emvicy2 Controller or Model
create an Email Object and add job to Queue
// email
$oDTEmail = \Email\DataType\DTEmail::create()
->set_subject('Example Subject')
// 1. attachment
// add job to queue
oDTAppTableQueue: \App\DataType\DTAppTableQueue::create()
bPreventMultipleCreation: true
Queue / Worker
add worker to your primary module queue/worker config
(replace 'Foo'
by your primary module name)
$aConfig['MODULE']['Foo']['queue']['worker'] = [
// queue key
// responsible worker class
'Email::new' => '\Email\Model\Worker\EmailNew',
: DTEmailemail.model.smtp.sendViaPhpMailer.before
: DTEmailemail.model.smtp.sendViaPhpMailer.error
: Exceptionemail.model.smtp.sendViaPhpMailer.after
: DTEmailResponseemail.model.worker.EmailNew.send.after
: DTEmailResponse